uPATCH™ Operationalizes Skin Penetration Lab

We are excited to announce that  our laboratory   for  skin  penetration test,  which is situated in the same building as our new office in  Leiden  BioScience   P ark,  is operational . This penetration measurement setup is designed to provide  accurate  and reproducible test results for ex-vivo human or ex-vivo pig skin.  

Key Features of Our Skin Penetration Test Setup:  

Realistic Skin Tension Simulation  

Our setup  can  st retch the skin   to match the natural tension found on the human body.  

Tissue Engineering for Accurate Simulation  

We have  developed underlying  tissue structure s  that  replicate  the muscle and fat layers of the human body. This can be customized to match specific target audiences and different parts of the body

Standardized & Reproducible Penetration Measurement  

Penetration is measured using a reproducible method that ensures clear visuals .  This can give a better understanding  of  how your microneedles behave under variable conditions.  

Universal Applicator support

Our setup supports penetration testing with both our research-focused microneedle applicators and end-user applicators. 

  • Impact Velocity Testing with the  uPATCH™  CHECK Velocity Research Applicator  
  • Pressing Force Testing with the  uPATCH™ CHECK Pressing Force Research Applicator  
  • Initial microneedle characteristics testing with he uPATCH™ CHECK Basic Research Applicator

With these capabilities,  we  can conduct precise skin penetration tests for  our  clients, ensuring high-quality insights into penetration  characteristics and corresponding applicator design criteria.   

For inquiries about our testing services, reach out to us !